
Batik is a resist dye technique which is probably most famous for Indonesia. The batik industry of Indonesia has been awarded by UNESCO as oral and intangible heritage of humanity.

Resist dye means that the pattern is created by covering areas of the fabric so they won’t take the dye.

There are different ways to ‘cover’ the fabric and for batik this is done with hot wax.



This is a mixture of beeswax and paraffin.

Every workshop has their own (secret) ratio to get the effects they want, a soft cover, a hard cover..
This wax will be heated and applied to the fabric.



The application of the hot wax can be done with a block, we then speak of block printing batik, and it can be done with a pen-like tool in which case we speak of hand-drawn batik.

block print

Block print batik

Block printing the hot wax on the fabric


Hand drawn batik

Freestyle drawing with the hot wax using a canting, a copper pen with a little reservoir.


I will go into detail on both techniques here and there is a video at the end of each technique-description, to show you how it’s done.


Block print batik


 Hand drawn batik

In this video I filmed the artisan drawing the design on the fabric with a very fine canting.


And here below you can see how someone with a fatter canting is covering all the areas in between.


My Batik collection

I love the handmade treasures we can find in this world and I create beautiful items for you to use and adore these arts.


Project One