Soul cards
I want to tell you about a series of soul cards I've been working on.
Sometimes we really need to let go of things we've been carrying around with us.
It last happened to me mid September. I was feeling down, not quite myself...
Now, I live in a new country, we moved to Ireland July 2019. November 2019 my father died suddenly and for 2020, I don't need to tell you the stress and the things we have all had to let go of and deal with.
So mid September as I wasn't quite myself, I went inside, I focused on prayer and meditation. I cried a lot and this poem was born.
We are led to believe that crying is weak, that being emotional is being weak. I beg to differ. Crying takes guts! It's so brave to feel your pain, to allow it and not push it away. Once you allow it, it may be overwhelming for a bit. It may feel like this is never going to ease and how much easier it was to keep it locked up, suppressed and denied. But no, brave the storm. It will pass.
In my flow I created a few sympathy cards as well, all in the same energy of the poem but with a drawing I made years ago. You see, I'm not new to grief, in fact I know it quite well. In a way it shaped my life.
One day I may get to tell you a bit more about that but today I want to give a message of hope.
I came to believe we have inside of us the medicine bottle for many aches. I have learned that if we give our attention to what's hurting us, we can use our presence to brighten up the darkest spot. We 'only' need to want to look at it, dare to be with our pain, take the time and brave the chaotic upwelling of all sorts of stuck, ugly and overwhelming feelings. 'Only', as if that doesn't take everything we've got :-) Yes, but hey, alchemy is for the brave ones
So this is it, my testimony to crying.
Do let me know if this resonates with you and please share it with your friends if you think they can use permission to cry.
Here below are the cards I have available at the moment.
Much love,