
First thing in the morning, I like to write my morning pages to empty my mind (thank you Julia Cameron who wrote The Artist Way).

Then I take a blank sheet of paper, enter in a meditative state of mind and let my hand hover over the paper.


Sometimes I ‘see’ what wants to come forth, sometimes I start squiggling and the drawing unveils itself in the process.


I have learned so much from my inuitive drawings!

Symbols and characters have shown up that I didn’t know I had a connection to. For example the triskelion and the green man, or Alladin’s lamp!

Most of all I have learned to surrender to the flow!

I’ve learned to accept the wisdom in my drawings.

They showed me there is a vast ocean of information that runs beneath my conscious awareness and I have access to that information, if I only get out of my own way.

Here below are some of my drawings:


Here below are some of my drawings: *

All of my work is available as a fine art print.

I work with a professional reproduction company to ensure the exact replication of my drawings.



